Divine Firefighting
By Rosie Dennerlein
Sometimes there is no explanation to natural disaster interventions….BUT GOD.
Late one evening, Hannah, the project manager for the Shakan Global Mission Center construction project called me. She said, “Rosie, there was a fire on the property, but everyone is ok.”
The fear that filled me was quickly alleviated as Hannah continued to explain the scenario. A pile of firewood burst into flames overnight, and only the ashes remained. In the process of burning, the flames spread to the electrical wire to the well water pump, the main electric console, and a pine tree. The laborers who sleep in the building were in a deep slumber, and woke up to the ashes.
Miraculous Observations
• The wire to the water pump did not burn all the way to the water pump.
• The wire to the electrical console stopped burning before it reached the console.
• The pine tree was only singed on the side of the tree. The rest of the tree was green.
• If the men woke up and added water to the fire, they would have been electrocuted!
The only explanation for the fire stopping is that God dispatched angelic fire fighters.
The total cost of the repair was a measly $17.
At the time that the fire blazed, I had just placed my condo on the market in preparation for the move to Uganda. Honestly, I was struggling with “letting go” and “letting God” lead me for the huge move to a totally different country and culture. This miracle fueled my passion to continue to steward the vision He has given me to transform lives with the good news of Jesus and to empower families to rise above poverty.
What the enemy meant for evil, the Lord is turning to good!