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Change a lot.

You can help many people by giving little.

Community Collaboration

God is on the move in Jinja, Uganda!  As of June 2024, there are over 400 missionaries.

Shakan Global Mission Center (under construction) will host short term mission workers, faith driven investors, and locals to collaborate on various projects to transform lives.

Safety is paramount with 24/7 security, healthy food, and water from the property well.

The Prayer Garden is a peace filled place to pray and meditate.  Land is designated for a future Agricultural Training Farm.

December 2025 is the goal to open the Mission Center to guests, pending funding.

If you are interested in changing destinies in the community, email [email protected] for more info.

Child Sponsorship & Economic Empowerment

Sponsoring a child is more than a financial gift to pay school fees.  Sponsorship helps to:

1. PREVENT CHILD MARRAGES – research shows that child marriages can be prevented if girls get a secondary education.

2. PROVIDE NUTRITION – School Meals are often the only meals the child receives.

3. EMPOWER THE COMMUNITY the child lives in.  The Shakan Global Mission Outreach Coordinator is mobilizing pastors to participate in a discipleship program called Truth Centered Transformation, (TCT).

TCT addresses the roots of generational poverty through practical teachings on mindset shifts, marriage, health, agriculture, economic empowerment, and acts of love in the community. Over 1,000 communities in Africa and Asia have risen above poverty in the past 15 years through pastors/leaders who have followed these Christ centered principles.

Prayers appreciated for similar impact in Jinja, Uganda!

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Growing in Christ

Know Jesus, Know Peace; No Jesus, No Peace. Sharing the good news of Jesus as Savior, Redeemer, Healer and Creator is an integral part of Shakan Global Mission.

Bible studies, prayer meetings and trainings on living abundant life as God intended will take place at the Shakan Global Mission Center and in the community.

If you would like to collaborate with local churches in sharing the good news of Jesus email [email protected] for more info.

Become a Volunteer

Our Volunteers become partners in faith, allowing God to work through special talents to glorify Him.

Some are prayer warriors, others use their gift of teaching, administration, or other passions.

Each of us can wisely invest our gifts to lend encouragement. This is the partnership of Love that we seed through the fragrance of Christ.


What Our Contributors Are Saying

I am excited to be partnering with Rosie on this kingdom endeavor.  I look forward to interceding in prayer as well as one day going to Uganda to physically be a part of the mission.

Chauntel S.

I’m grateful for being able to volunteer using skills in the USA to bring transformation to families across the ocean. I look forward to going to Uganda as a volunteer someday!

Michelle G.

Dreams are being reignited in both Uganda and in the USA through Shakan Global Mission. What a blessing to support this work financially!

Val V.

After hearing the stories about the hand of God at our bible study, we were inspired to give and pray for Shakan Global Mission.

Kathy M.

Give Today to Help Transform Lives in Uganda!