Leap of Faith Leads to Balance Restored

When we say YES to God’s prompting, He blesses beyond belief!
After complications from ear surgery on July 11th, I was lightheaded up until 10 days before the flight. Even after the long ride to the airport, I had to hold on to a friend’s hand due to poor balance.
About a month before my takeoff, the Lord spoke to me through the movie “Finger of God 2″. One of the speakers said, “GO, AND THE POWER WILL COME.” At that time, I was fatigued, lightheaded, and at times dizzy from complications from the ear surgery. After hearing this message, I had peace in my spirit that I would feel well enough for the flight and challenges of living in a third world country. When the Lord inspired me to make a EUCALYPTUS, CYPRESS roll on in castor oil to inhibit the ear pressure during take off, I knew He was giving me confirmation.
Praise God … I not only had no issues with my ears, but I was able to walk down the stairs without holding on to a railing. My balance is completely restored!
The pictures below capture the highlights of God’s miracles as I stepped into…

I’ve been warmly hosted by Mariam Namusabi, Director of The Empowerment Centre for Women.
Mariam recently resigned as a banker at Standard Charter Bank to dive into full time ministry. I’m so grateful we are like-minded spiritually and we have the same vision.
Her sister Hannah (pictured left) has been cooking for us and teaching me how to cook Ugandan style.

The week started with an invitation to the first board meeting of Hope for African Child Foundation (HACF). Joel Biyinzika, the founder and I both have a passion to bring transformation to Uganda for God’s glory. Joel introduced me to Mariam in August, and she serves as the Treasurer of HACF.
What a joy to meet over 80 women this past week!
As I shared my testimony of how Jesus redeemed me from witchcraft, Mariam interpreted into the local tribal language. Their faces exuded hope as they heard that God desires to heal them from the inside out–to heal their heart and and provide jobs.
They were amazed that God created plants in Uganda with oils to help prevent malaria and bacteria related diseases.

Both believers and muslims were responsive to hearing about Jesus. All wanted to be prayed for!
Highlights of Prayer
- Jesus visibly healed a lump in one woman’s throat!
- 1 woman accepted Jesus as her Savior
- Several women found some relief from back pain
We have an amazing God!
(All Volunteers)

At the Empowerment Centre Team meeting, Rosie shared testimonies of how people benefited from Oils of Shakan products . We all clapped a High Five for Jesus for the healing properties in the plants He created (including a muslim).
After the meeting, I met with one of the team members whose father served 2 terms in Parliament as the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries. I hope to meet him to glean wisdom and obtain some information for my business plan.

Mariam’s grandmother through marriage passed away after a long illness. I learned to say “Nga kitalo” which means, “I’m sorry for your loss”. In African style, there were over 1,000 people who honored her grandmother. Food was provided by her tribal clan as a means of supporting the family.

I was thrilled to be able to meet with Andrew, of Farming God’s Way. Farming God’s Way trains farmers using principles from the Bible, science, and management to help poor farmers dramatically increase agricultural production from their fields (sustainable agriculture).
Andrew works with Amazima Ministries, founded by Katie Davis Majors, author of Kisses with Katie and Daring to Hope. (I read both of these inspirational, life changing books!).
Andrew trains local farmers in the local community on how to grow beans and maize in this model garden. Afterwards, he follows with them as they grow food on their own land.
Andrew presented an informational overview of Farming God’s Way to Mariam, Hannah and me. Afterwards, he provided the contact of an international trainer for me to share the vision of growing plants for the purpose of extracting essential oils.

Rosie introduced the concept of product making to the women in Bugembe village. They did a great job making all an in one product that can be used as a hand sanitizer and as an insect repellant to help prevent malaria. All ingredients are made from plants grown in Uganda.

God continues to amaze me daily as His plans unfold.
Prayers appreciated for wisdom, strength and protection.